MyGunturMP FAQs

MyGunturMP FAQs

1. What is the purpose and objectives of My Guntur MP?

My Guntur MP is a two-way communication platform for citizens. They can:

  • File their request(s) anytime and from anywhere.
  • Track their request(s) and see the status.
  • Provide Suggestions for improvement by engaging with the community.
  • Donate for listed things on our website.

2. What kind of Request can I submit here?

You can file Requests of the following kinds:

  • Personal Request – Farmer, Police, Revenue, Other Request.
  • Infrastructure Request – Railway, Road, Water, Drains, Hospital.
  • Job Request
  • Health Related Request
  • Education Related Request
  • Assistance Request – Scholarship, Housing, Community Building, Skill Development
  • Suggestions

3. In which languages can I submit a Request?

You can submit a Request in Telugu or English.

4. How can I submit a Request onto the portal?

Follow these steps:

  • If you are a new user, click on “Register” to create a new account.
  • Click "File a Request”.
  • Describe your Request and fill in the form, then “Submit”.
  • Your Request will be registered, and you will receive status updates via SMS.

5. How can I track the Request(s) already filed by me?

Click on “Request Updates” on the home page. You will find the list of the past Requests you have submitted. Click on the Request you want to track to see the status.

6. What if I do not receive the OTP on my mobile phone?

If you do not receive an OTP within 60 seconds of filing the request, a link named "Resend OTP" will be enabled on the screen. You can request a fresh OTP by clicking on this button.

If that doesn’t work, you may report the technical issue you are facing by sending an email to [email protected].

7. Can I attach supporting documents/photos to the Request?

Yes, you can attach documents/photos up to a file size of 40 MB.

8. What is the procedure followed by the My Guntur MP team to keep the citizens updated about their Request(s)?

After successful submission of the request, a Ticket ID is sent through SMS. Also, when a request is updated, you will get an SMS update. A request can also be tracked by clicking on “Request updates” on the website.

9. Can I register the same Request again after the request is closed?

If there is a valid reason, you may visit the MP office and discuss the request. Then the request can be registered as per the instructions of the MP office.

10. What should I do if the action taken is not satisfactory?

You may request to reopen the Request by contacting the MP office.

11. What should I do if the portal stops responding or displays an error?

Try the following:

  • Refresh the browser.
  • Log out and log in again.
  • Try a different browser.
  • Ensure your internet connection is working.
  • If none of this works, send us an email at [email protected] or you can visit the MP office and file your request.